
Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Blue Apatite

Apatite is a dual-action stone, known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy or negativity, then, stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth, which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good. It is a Stone of Manifestation, promoting a humanitarian outlook and service to others. [Raphaell, 163][Melody, 126][Hall, 62]
Blue Apatite is a deeply spiritual stone with a cleansing influence on the aura, especially in the mental body - the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. It is a particularly strong stone to use in past-life or alternate-life work, because of its ability to access the energy levels where the Akashic records and an individual's soul patterns exist. It is excellent as a dream stone for creative problem solving, and for vertical vision, where it is possible to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously and simultaneously. [Simmons, 41][Ahsian, 41]
Blue Apatite may be light, bright, or dark blue, sometimes within the same crystal. [Eason, 230] The name Apatite is derived from a Greek word meaning "to deceive" because the variety of colors and formations in which this stone occurs makes it easy to mistake for other minerals. It may be yellow, blue, green, brown, gray or colorless, but the Apatite stones used for metaphysical purposes are primarily higher-quality crystal pieces in blue, green and gold. [Simmons, 41]
Apatite is also the stone associated with animal conservation, because it is composed of the mineral phosphate that makes up the teeth and bones of all vertebrate animals, as well as their horns, antlers or tusks. [Eason, 230]

Blue Apatite Uses and Purposes - Overview

Blue Apatite is a motivational stone, promoting independence and ambitiousness. [Gienger, 15]
A stone of the Throat Chakra, Blue Apatite helps with public speaking and enhances group communication. [Hall, 63] Attuned to the Third Eye, it also improves concentration and memory skills, and is a good crystal for study purposes. It aids in time management when working on projects. [Eason, 230]
Blue Apatite is particularly supportive for business consultants, and account or investment managers. It is equally helpful in times of unemployment or a reduction in work hours to find alternative employment, and may be supportive of those forced into early retirement. [Eason, 230]
Blue Apatite can be used as a dream stone to access the subconscious for creative problem solving, as well as for exploring other lives and karmic patterns. [Ahsian, 42]
Apatite enhances creativity and awakens the finer, inner self. It is a stone of the future and brings knowledge to those attuned to it. It may be used as an interface point between consciousness and matter to translate our humanitarian aspirations into healing, information, communication and teaching. [Melody, 126]
Blue Apatite, when worn, carried, or used as an elixir, has successfully produced hunger suppression. [Melody, 126] It also helps alleviate fear associated with dental treatment. [Eason, 230]

Blue Apatite Healing Therapies - Overview

(Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.)

Blue Apatite Physical Healing Energy

Blue Apatite encourages the formation of new cells and aids in the absorption of calcium. It helps heal bones and teeth, repairs cartilage, and is useful in the treatments for rickets, joint problems, arthritis, and motor skills. [Hall, 63][Gienger, 15]
Blue Apatite is associated with healthy eating, and has been credited with suppressing hunger and raising the metabolic rate. It is generally supportive in healing all glands, meridians, and organs, and reduces hypertension. [Hall, 63][Eason, 230]
Blue Apatite may be used to soothe headaches and help with vertigo or dizziness. It stimulates eyesight, and is particularly good for excessive eyestrain or other problems rooted in lack of eye movement. [Ahsian, 42]

Blue Apatite Emotional Healing Energy

Apatite increases motivation and builds up energy reserves. It helps overcome self-consciousness and alienation, and promotes openness and social ease. It is beneficial in easing sorrow and anger, and in reducing irritability and emotional exhaustion. [Hall, 62]

lue Apatite Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Apatite helps eliminate over-activity, under-activity, blockages and congestion in all of the chakras. It is excellent for balancing yin-yang, and for raising kundalini energy. [Melody, 126] Blue Apatite stimulates the Third Eye and the Throat Chakras.
The Brow Chakra, also called the Third Eye, is the center of our perception and command. It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. Our consciousness is located here, and we relate to ourselves through this chakra.
It balances the important and the unimportant, sorting meaning from data and impressions. It commands the energy flow within the body. When the brow chakra is in balance we see clearly and understand what we see. We can interpret visual cues and our perception is high. Our thoughts and internal communications within ourselves are healthy and vibrant. We are open to new ideas, dreams, and visions. We can be quietly observant, and reflective. We can control the flow of energy within all the chakras.
The Throat Chakra is the voice of the body, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed. If it is blocked or out of balance, it can affect the health of the other chakras. In balance, it allows for the expression of what we think and what we feel. We can communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions. When the throat chakra is in balance and open, we can bring our personal truth out into the world. We have an easy flow of energy within the body and spirit. The energy that springs upward from the lower chakras can continue its path enabling free expression and natural release.

Blue Apatite Spiritual Energy

Blue Apatite expands the awareness of past-life experiences and may enhance the understanding of any karmic influences on one's current reality. [Ahsian, 41] Its vibration attracts the "blue beings" of the supernal regions, whether ETs, guides or godlike entities such as Krishna, and allows one to commune with them. [Simmons, 41]
Apatite is an aid to stimulating clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and awareness of the devic worlds. It can provide connection to UFOs, and access to past-life insights and telepathy. [Melody, 126]

Blue Apatite Color Energy

Blue Apatite is the color of ice reflecting the slowly lightening winter sky as the deep violets depart and the sun climbs higher each day. As winter gives way to spring, and new life is ready to burst forth, blue marks the beginning of life and emotion. Blue crystals bring trust, faith, patience, and respect, lending the focus we need to become more sincere, act more responsibly, and become more trustworthy.
Light blue crystals help us accept the life we have, develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They're excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt. Darker blue talismans enhance respect and compassion within ourselves. They teach us humanity, discretion, and honor, and encourage us to act more charitably and focus our efforts on service to others

Meditation with Blue Apatite

ith spiritual discipline, Apatite encourages the development of deeper states of meditation and reflection. It provides an inner clarity, peace, and oneness with the higher-self. Used with other crystals, Apatite facilitates end results with greater ease. [Melody, 126]

Blue Apatite Divination

The Divinatory meaning of Blue Apatite: A period of slow improvement rather than feast or famine will follow. [Eason, 230]


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