Pink Quartz
Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Pink Quartz
For all of its abundance, varieties, extraordinary crystals and range of colors, Quartz is a well-known tale, the 101-course for students, rock hounds, geologists, gemologists, jewelry lovers and metaphysical healers alike. It is comforting and familiar…clear Quartz is Rock Crystal, purple Quartz is Amethyst, yellow is Citrine, gray-brown is Smoky Quartz, and pink Quartz is Rose Quartz. Simple, right? Well…not exactly.
Until recently, all pink-colored Quartz was thought to be Rose Quartz, the pale pink to reddish-rose, semi-precious stone of beauty and love cherished since antiquity for its power to heal the heart and stimulate romantic devotion. Its ability to be polished and carved into jewelry and marvelous ornamentation has made it a favorite since civilizations began. Rose Quartz is found in abundance around the world and occurs only in massive form, with no crystal faces, edges and terminations. It is hazy to translucent, and is usually found in the cores of granite pegmatites. Its color is due to trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese in the massive material, and contains microscopic fiber inclusions of rutile or a borosilicate similar to dumortierite that can occasionally produce a cat’s eye or “star” effect. The color of Rose Quartz is very stable and will not fade with heat or direct sunlight, and though it has also been called Pink Quartz for decades, here is where mineralogical confusion begins. [][][][]
Pink Quartz crystals were first discovered in the 1930’s near Rumford and Newry in Oxford County, Maine, USA, and were thought to be an extraordinarily rare, aberrant form of Rose Quartz, but because they occurred nowhere else, they were described in journals and soon dismissed. A “re-discovery” in Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1959 renewed excitement over these minerals, and they were introduced to the world as “Rose Quartz that formed crystals,” and were labeled Crystalline Rose Quartz. However, as mineralogists began to study these rare specimens, they discovered distinct differences between them and common Rose Quartz. [][][][]
Pink Quartz crystals occur only in phosphorus-rich pegmatites as a late-phase formation grown not in the cores, but in thin vein systems throughout the pegmatites, often growing on, and parallel to, Smoky Quartz crystals. Though similar in color to Rose Quartz, Pink Quartz occurs in clusters of small, well-formed crystals, often parallel-grown, that are translucent to transparent. Their color is due to irradiation-induced color centers caused by trace amounts of aluminum and phosphorous. These crystals are very light and heat sensitive, and will fade with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Most Pink Quartz on the market today still comes from Minas Gerais, Brazil, and because of its rarity is not used in jewelry. It is occasionally faceted into collectors’ gems, but virtually all of the limited supply is sold as specimens. Pink Quartz is, at times, still referenced as Crystalline Rose Quartz. The differences in where they were formed, the mineral bases for their color, their differences in light sensitivity, and the fact that one forms crystals while the other does not prompted mineralogical experts in the 1990’s to recommend Pink Quartz and Rose Quartz be recognized as separate varieties. While the names may still be used interchangeably by some, the distinction has been made and is becoming generally accepted. [][][][]
Pink Quartz crystals occur only in phosphorus-rich pegmatites as a late-phase formation grown not in the cores, but in thin vein systems throughout the pegmatites, often growing on, and parallel to, Smoky Quartz crystals. Though similar in color to Rose Quartz, Pink Quartz occurs in clusters of small, well-formed crystals, often parallel-grown, that are translucent to transparent. Their color is due to irradiation-induced color centers caused by trace amounts of aluminum and phosphorous. These crystals are very light and heat sensitive, and will fade with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Most Pink Quartz on the market today still comes from Minas Gerais, Brazil, and because of its rarity is not used in jewelry. It is occasionally faceted into collectors’ gems, but virtually all of the limited supply is sold as specimens. Pink Quartz is, at times, still referenced as Crystalline Rose Quartz. The differences in where they were formed, the mineral bases for their color, their differences in light sensitivity, and the fact that one forms crystals while the other does not prompted mineralogical experts in the 1990’s to recommend Pink Quartz and Rose Quartz be recognized as separate varieties. While the names may still be used interchangeably by some, the distinction has been made and is becoming generally accepted. [][][][]
Pink Quartz also surfaced recently in the Himalayan Mountains of India - in 2006 as Nirvana Quartz, an amazing example of growth interference Quartz crystals; and most recently as Samadhi Quartz, the rarest clusters of fully formed pink Quartz to date. Both are extraordinary stones of meditation and enlightenment. (See the Samadhi Quartz page for their descriptions and unique qualities.)
Pink Quartz, like its sister Rose Quartz, is a stone of the Heart Chakra, with a soft, feminine energy of compassion and peace, emotional healing, love and friendship. But Pink Quartz is also a stone of innocence, with small, enchanting crystals reminiscent of a cotton candy, sugar-coated time of purity, simplicity and wonder. It inspires gentleness and kindness, enkindles enthusiasm, and awakens the heart to love and trust, budding passions, and exploration of the world. Pink Quartz is a talisman of discovery and emergence, of coming into one’s own and determining how one fits into the universe. It aids the unfolding of one’s interests and talents, and nurtures self-love and respect of others. Pink Quartz is equally supportive of those who are disenchanted with the world, to return to their pure heart and help recover who they truly are at their core. [Hall En, 20][Gienger, 69][Eason, 13][]
Pink Quartz Uses and Purposes
Pink and Rose Quartz are calm, reassuring crystals that help alleviate stress and anxiety, and provide a soothing ambiance to any environment. They bring a relaxed, cooperative atmosphere in the workplace, and are conducive to happy family relationships. They are excellent companions for prayer and meditation, and can open one’s receptivity to the beauty of art, music and the written word. [Melody En, 699]Lembo, 285][Gienger, 69] []
A wonderful sleep crystal for adults and children, Pink Quartz promotes beautiful dreams as well as preventing nightmares or night terrors. It also helps children to not be afraid of the dark. [Eason, 13][Lembo, 285]
Pink Quartz is an excellent talisman for teenagers and young girls entering puberty to trust their own instincts and recognize their unique spirit. By opening their heart to their own inner voice they can discover the special talents and gifts they possess and are meant to share with the world. [Eason, 13][Gienger, 69]
Pink Quartz is not only a crystal of identity, it also brings great strength for those faced with a loss of identity, or for those unsure of how to recover after a life-shattering event. Pink Quartz provides a shield for the ego, helping to dispel the darkness and repair emotional devastation. Use Pink Quartz to assist in treatments for amnesia, Alzheimer’s, injury or disease that results in loss of mobility or amputation, for finding one’s way out of drug or alcohol addiction, as well as the loss of one’s identity from cyber theft, financial crises, the dejection of divorce or betrayal, or the sudden death of a soulmate. Pink Quartz brings comfort and connects one to universal love, helping one to re-establish or re-define who they are, reinstate trust, and to emerge stronger, more assured and self-reliant.
Place Pink Quartz in one’s environment, wear or carry on one’s person, or use in an elixir to activate a wonderful, powerful loving energy within the self, and to give rise to a permanence of this loving nature. Pink Quartz may be called upon to attract and nurture new love, revitalize an existing relationship, or to aid in reconciliation efforts and mending quarrels. [Melody En, 699][Eason, 13]
Pink Quartz Healing Therapies - Overview
(Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.)
Pink Quartz Physical Healing Energy
Pink Quartz is a marvelous crystal of well-being, soothing the nerves and generating an integrating energy that brings the body back into harmony with itself. It may be beneficial in reducing headaches, relieving tension and stress, and in treating brain dysfunction and psychosomatic illnesses. It has been used to diminish nightmares and insomnia, PMS, bouts of vertigo, and as an elixir, to aid in skin regeneration and rejuvenation.[Gienger, 69][Melody En, 699][Eason, 13]
Pink Quartz is believed to bring strength and balance to the heart and circulatory system, and has been used to help regulate palpitations or skipped beats, reduce high blood pressure and stabilize irregular heart rhythm. It is also thought to clear fluids in the cells of the body and promote the release of impurities, and to diminish symptoms of disorders associated with the kidneys and adrenal glands. [Melody En, 699][Lembo, 285][]
Pink Quartz Emotional Healing Energy
Pink Quartz is a crystal of warm, gentle love, nurturing wounds of the heart and bringing calmness and clarity to the emotional body after trauma. It instills the message there is no need for haste in any situation, and encourages one to take the time necessary to grieve a loss, come to terms with a difficult situation, or let go of a painful past. Pink Quartz promotes forgiveness of the self, and others, and helps to restore trust and harmony in relationships. It expands hope and the belief in oneself, and amplifies a sense of joy for life. It makes one lively and cheerful, and brings new enthusiasm for hobbies, activities, sports and travel, as well as opening one’s heart again to love, friendship and peace. [Gienger, 69][Melody En, 699][Hall En, 20][]
Pink Quartz Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy
Pink Quartz crystals reflect the Light of the heart and love, and help stimulate the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone and regulates our interaction with the external world. It controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment, and helps in our relationships. By helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly, we can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.
Pink crystals also stimulate the “high heart,” or transpersonal Love center just above and to the left of the Heart Chakra. It assists one in practicing compassion and respectful understanding of others. [Hall En, 20]
Pink Quartz Spiritual Energy
The small, prismatic crystals of Pink Quartz are more powerful for their size than Rose Quartz or other stones containing pink energy. Their frequency helps balance the love emotions of the Crown, Third Eye and Throat Chakras, and brings them into harmony with the Heart, bathing the body, mind and spirit in a healing light. By uniting the consciousness with Divine love, Pink Quartz opens one to the unconditional and nurturing acceptance of the universe, and in turn helps one to bring compassion, mercy, tolerance and kindness into the world. [Simmons, 331][Ahsian, 332][Melody En, 699][Lembo, 284]
Pink Quartz Color Energy
Pink Quartz, with its light red energy rays, brings determination, commitment, and caring. Its soothing color calms feelings of anger or resentment, and can aid efforts to meditate and reflect. Pink is the color of new love, new romance and new relationships. It increases developing sensuality, and can help overcome heartache, aiding in the improvement of our caring and loving abilities.
Meditation with Pink Quartz
Pink Quartz is an excellent meditation crystal for soothing and relaxing tension from the physical body, and letting the compassion of the universe wash through the senses. Its strong, yet gentle resonance provides an envelope of safe, loving energy in which to seek the still inner voice of the Self for guidance, healing and restoration.
Pink Quartz Divination
The Divinatory meaning of Pink and Rose Quartz: Forgive yourself for past mistakes and do not accept the blame others try to offload for their inadequacies. [Eason, 50]
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